Comment 1 for bug 1343972

Revision history for this message
koen noens (knpa01) wrote :

extra info

this is the initial error during release upgrade

 ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ⤠Configuring otrs2 âââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
 â â
 â An error occurred while upgrading the database:
 â /usr/share/dbconfig-common/scripts/otrs2/upgrade/mysql/3.2.1 exited with
 â non-zero status

and ending with

A fatal error occurred

Please report this as a bug and include the files /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log in
your report. The upgrade has aborted.

SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Could not install the upgrades

The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A
recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).

Please report this bug in a browser at
and attach the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ to the bug report.
installArchives() failed