Comment 3 for bug 1987679

Revision history for this message
mike (mikeaa) wrote (last edit ):

well Julian is right and I am wrong. I apologize I should have picked up on it quicker (I'm sick, too many drugs and not the good kind)

The culprit is linux-boot-prober which executes /usr/lib/linux-boot-probe/50mounted-tests which

set -e
if type grub-mount >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
   type grub-probe >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
   grub-mount "$partition" "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null; then
        type="$(grub-probe -d "$partition" -t fs)"

grub-probe fails causing 50mounted-tests to quit with the partition mounted.

simply changing to
        type="$(grub-probe -d "$partition" -t fs || true)"

solves the mount problem, correctly(?) ignores a thin-partition, but adds bad entries for the thick snapshot (if it was accidental - it will boot into the base of the snapshot, not sure all that will happen if fstab and grub.cfg were edited)

changing it to
        type="$(grub-probe -d "$partition" -t fs || echo bad)"
and adding a case entry for bad to unmount and then quit would at least create a correct grub.cfg.