Comment 18 for bug 194487

Revision history for this message
Diego Rivera (diego-rivera-rbxglobal) wrote :

Here's my first crack at a patch. It's for Ubuntu 8.04LTS (package versions are referenced in each patch filename).

It has the GUI change for the OpenVPN stuff only. For PPTP the new "delegating routing mode" doesn't really make sense since PPTP doesn't have a mechanism (that I know of) to transfer routing information to a client in a portable way. Thus - it's either default route, or manual routing (i.e. the old, "bad" behavior).

For VPNC the story is different - IPSec mode_cfg does permit the communication of routing information to the client. I'm not sure if vpnc supports this, but this is the other part of the GUI that might need some work.

The OpenVPN stuff works as advertised. I didn't check the file import/export - I'm too tired today :)

The change consists in adding a configuration option called "route_mode" which has (currently) two values (possibly more in the future): 0 or absent = current, "broken" behavior, 1 = new behavior (delegate routing to the VPN client). The GUI portion to manipulate this configuration setting is completed only for OpenVPN.