Comment 85 for bug 1211110

Revision history for this message
Vincent Gerris (vgerris) wrote :

Linux users are patient indeed and they are certainly not waiting for useless comments like yours.
If you want to contribute, educate yourself and try to help out. Ranting does contribute NOTHING.
So if you really love Linux, think about that.
Try to follow the rules regarding the bug report and contribute where you can and people will like it.

Nobody asked you to use Ubuntu, if you're happy with windows 10 (which probably nobody else here is) then use it and be happy, why post here?
Don't forget Linux is a community effort and the ways to fix certain problems is difficult.
However, making an effort to get it to work will teach you and will get you appreciation from others.

As bagl0312 commented already, your point is not even viable, because the issue was fixed in 17.04 by a patch.
If you google the issue for older versions, you will probably land on a page that describes how to fix that too:
 and see work arounds in this thread, so your comment is really just bad timing.

Please think twice before you post something and read the rules.
Thanks to the relentless efforts of the community, this is fixed and work is going on to get this in the main version(s).