Comment 12 for bug 2043114

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Ivaylo Markov (imarkov-storpool) wrote :

Yes, seems pretty consistent. I just tried it again before I write out the reproduction steps, and it took maybe a couple of minutes.

The configuration is basically just:

sed -i.bak 's/#LogLevel INFO/LogLevel DEBUG/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd

As for making enough connections to cause the issue, I use something along the lines of:

parallel -j 99 -N0 "ssh root@example 'mount; sleep 1; cat /proc/cpuinfo; free -h; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1 count=8192; mount -av; sleep $(($RANDOM % 5)); lshw'" ::: {1..5000}

It is essentially running random commands to simulate some sort of activity on the machine. The amount of parallel connections (`-j 99`) might need to be adjusted - too little connections won't trigger the bug, too many can cause an OOM situation.