Comment 0 for bug 1312928

Revision history for this message
Steffen Stempel (seeffen) wrote :

For X11/KDE sessions ssh-agent is started via upstart using configuration file /usr/share/upstart/sessions/ssh-agent.conf with the instruction ``eval "$(ssh-agent)" >/dev/null''.
If the user's login shell is tcsh or csh ssh-agent will return c-shell like setenv commands which upstart/shell do not recognize. Thus environment variables $SSH_* are not propagated into the user's desktop session and neither ssh nor ssh-add are able to contact ssh-agent.
Solution: use ``eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"'' to force sh-like output of ssh-agent (context diff included as attachment)
Addition information: Bug occures at least in 13.10 and 14.04 amd64 architecture. In 14.04 the affected openssh-client package version is 1:6.2p2-6ubuntu0.3