Comment 13 for bug 1022434

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Robert John Bowles (bobjohnbowles) wrote :

Hi Robie

I think you may be onto something, but I don't have the knowledge to offer any concrete way forward. I have seen and repeatedly referred to in the crash reports I am getting, but this could just be because these libraries are so basic to the system functioning. AFAIK these are part of the core c libraries used in the kernel, they are deep in the system.

FYI sshd is now working on one of my computers, but I am equally puzzled as to why it started working again as to why it failed in the first place. I completely rebuilt the / partition, but this failed on its own to get sshd working. However, a few days and many reboots later, suddenly there it was, working. Possibly something else I downloaded in the interim made the difference, but it is a mystery what or why.

I have attached my /var/log/apt/history.log from the machine in question, in case you can make anything of it.

I don't know if this is a related issue, but as referred to in my message to Michael yesterday, apport or ubuntu-bug does not seem to be working properly either. This complicates the process of getting you the data.