Comment 14 for bug 1782031

Revision history for this message
Joy Latten (j-latten) wrote :

Hi Robie,

I tested this SRU with the new package in proposed and verified.

$ dpkg -l | grep libopenscap8
ii libopenscap8 1.2.8-1ubuntu0.1 amd64 Set of libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards

I ran a few rules in my oval that use the systemd probe and they now come back as passing,

$ sudo oscap oval eval --id oval:com.ubuntu.xenial.cis:def:6400 Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_CIS_Benchmark-oval-sec2.xmlDefinition oval:com.ubuntu.xenial.cis:def:6400: true
Evaluation done.

$ sudo oscap oval eval --id oval:com.ubuntu.xenial.cis:def:6600 Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_CIS_Benchmark-oval-sec2.xml
Definition oval:com.ubuntu.xenial.cis:def:6600: true
Evaluation done.

I ran a few scripts (SCE) and they now pass,

$ ls *.sh

Title Ensure users own their home directories
Rule xccdf_com.ubuntu.xenial.cis_rule_CIS-6.2.9
Result pass

Title Ensure all users last password change date is in the past
Rule xccdf_com.ubuntu.xenial.cis_rule_CIS-
Result pass

To note any regression, I ran the entire testsuite and saw similar output (other than those that now pass).

I consider this verification for this SRU.