Comment 6 for bug 1312462

Revision history for this message
Andreas Schwier (andreas-schwier) wrote :

Just did a quick test on my machine running OpenSC 0.14:

asc@calzone:~/tmp/ecctest$ sc-hsm-tool
Using reader with a card: SCM SCR 3310 [CCID Interface] (21120843305113) 00 00
Version : 1.2
User PIN tries left : 3

asc@calzone:~/tmp/ecctest$ pkcs11-tool --module /usr/local/lib/ -l --pin 648219 --keypairgen --key-type EC:prime256v1 --id 12 --label defaultkey --read-object --type pubkey --output-file pubkey.spki
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Key pair generated:
Private Key Object; EC
  label: defaultkey
  ID: 12
  Usage: decrypt, sign, unwrap
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
  EC_POINT: 0441044e68fd16a81555c2bf448d25b767572c398ac9706298c748d9bd3c88557bb161bef155491140fdc2541c5f032d73abcedd4b6540021b615c2467bbf9bf04c5b8
  EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
  label: defaultkey
  ID: 12
  Usage: encrypt, verify, wrap

asc@calzone:~/tmp/ecctest$ hexdump pubkey.spki
0000000 4104 4e04 fd68 a816 5515 bfc2 8d44 b725
0000010 5767 392c c98a 6270 c798 d948 3cbd 5588
0000020 b17b be61 55f1 1149 fd40 54c2 5f1c 2d03
0000030 ab73 ddce 654b 0240 611b 245c bb67 bff9
0000040 c504 00b8

asc@calzone:~/tmp/ecctest$ pkcs15-tool -D
Using reader with a card: SCM SCR 3310 [CCID Interface] (21120843305113) 00 00
PKCS#15 Card [SmartCard-HSM]:
        Version : 0
        Serial number : UTCC0200013
        Manufacturer ID:
        Flags :

        Object Flags : [0x3], private, modifiable
        ID : 01
        Flags : [0x81A], local, unblock-disabled, initialized, exchangeRefData
        Length : min_len:6, max_len:15, stored_len:0
        Pad char : 0x00
        Reference : 129 (0x81)
        Type : ascii-numeric
        Tries left : 3

        Object Flags : [0x1], private
        ID : 02
        Flags : [0x9E], local, change-disabled, unblock-disabled, initialized, soPin
        Length : min_len:16, max_len:16, stored_len:0
        Pad char : 0x00
        Reference : 136 (0x88)
        Type : bcd
        Tries left : 3

Private EC Key [defaultkey]
        Object Flags : [0x3], private, modifiable
        Usage : [0x2E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap
        Access Flags : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, neverExtract, local
        FieldLength : 256
        Key ref : 1 (0x1)
        Native : yes
        Path : e82b0601040181c31f0201::
        Auth ID : 01
        ID : 12
        MD:guid : {c9124f38-8e0d-1816-0118-a550fc95f66e}
          :cmap flags : 0x0
          :sign : 0
          :key-exchange: 0

Public EC Key [defaultkey]
        Object Flags : [0x0]
        Usage : [0x0]
        Access Flags : [0x2], extract
        FieldLength : 256
        Key ref : 0 (0x0)
        Native : no
        ID : 12
        DirectValue : <present>

asc@calzone:~/tmp/ecctest$ pkcs11-tool --module /usr/local/lib/ --login --pin 648219 -O
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Private Key Object; EC
  label: defaultkey
  ID: 12
  Usage: decrypt, sign, unwrap
Public Key Object; EC EC_POINT 256 bits
  EC_POINT: 0441044e68fd16a81555c2bf448d25b767572c398ac9706298c748d9bd3c88557bb161bef155491140fdc2541c5f032d73abcedd4b6540021b615c2467bbf9bf04c5b8
  EC_PARAMS: 06082a8648ce3d030107
  label: defaultkey
  ID: 12
  Usage: none