Comment 13 for bug 24983

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Debian Bug Importer (debzilla) wrote :

Message-ID: <email address hidden>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 09:56:37 +0200
From: Rene Engelhard <email address hidden>
To: Brian May <email address hidden>, <email address hidden>
Cc: <email address hidden>
Subject: Re: Bug#316030: python-uno: appears to be completely broken

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tag 216030 + experimental
clone 216030 -1
retitle -1 does not find libstdc++6 (missing depenency / broken RPATH)
severity -1 serious
retitle 216030 SystemError: dynamic module not initalized correctky
severity 216030 grave


Brian May wrote:
> (from experimental)

Why don't you tag it experimental then?

> Two issues, the first one should be easy to fix, not sure about the
> second:

ARGL. Why do you report two bugs in one? Report *one* bug for *one*
issue. And you of course got the severity wrong anyway. Cleaning up.

> >>> import uno
> >>> import uno
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/", line 62, in ?
> import pyuno
> ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file=
 or directory
> Installing libstdc++6 fixed this, I suspect a missing dependancy.

That version of OOo comes with libstdc++6 and pyuno's libs have a
RPATH, but iirc I read a few days ago that this one is broken upstream

> The second problem:
> >>> import uno
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/", line 62, in ?
> import pyuno
> SystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly

Yes. This is known. But I have nothing no no clue about python...

> I found a reference to this error in
> <URL:>. This
> reference appears to be old, so I am not sure it is relevant or not. It =
> the Debian version of python is compiled with UCS4 but python-uno only su=
> UCS2.
> Do you know if this is the problem, or is this just a red herring?

It's fixed. 1.9.x's pyuno should find out whether python uses UCS2 or UCS4
and run/compile appropriately. At least something for that was done
upstream... I'll look/ask...



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