Comment 63 for bug 62432

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I Kovalev (iakovalev) wrote :

OO 3.2.0 crash while running another Java application on Ubuntu 10.04

Since recent upgrade to OpenOffice 3.2.0 in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid amd64 I am experiencing a persistent crash of OpenOffice while trying to copy a text with outlines (especially with bullets in the shape of small filled circles) to clipboard in OO Writer. An important notice: the crash seems occur only when another Java application is being running by the moment of OO start.

Manifestation: create or open any document in OO Writer which contains bullet-outlined lines. Even three to five such lines could be sufficient. Select a portion of text containing these lines. Everything is fine by this moment. Then try to copy the selection to a clipboard by any way (via keyboard shortcut, main menu or pop-up menu). OO gets crashed immediately with a pop-up message window and an attempt to save a document - apparently unsuccessful, since all non-saved changes will have been lost upon the following auto recovery on next OO start. Re-creating OO user profile, modifying amount of memory available to OO and turning Java use on and off via OO options, changing file format between .odt, .doc, .rtf - all have no effect on crash. What does have effect: the crash is being persistent with JDownloader being running by the moment of OO launch, while without JDownloader running the issue seems to disappear.

System configuration: OpenOffice 3.2.0 (all versions up to last one available in repositories) on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid amd64; kernel 2.6.32-22 and Gnome 2.30.0 and Sun Java runtime environment 1.6.0_18 and 1.6.0_20.

Other information: copying a significant amount of plain text without any outlines and objects to a clipboard seems do not cause the crash. Without JDownloader being running OO works just fine, but using Java in other applications like web browser might trigger a similar crash. This is just a guess, since no Java applications other than JDownloader have been tested so far. 32-bit distribution has not been tested as well. OO versions 2.8 and 3.1 in Ubuntu 9.04 32bit seem did not suffer from the issue.