Comment 136 for bug 511312

Revision history for this message
In , Zhang Weiwu (zhangweiwu) wrote :

There must be some unusual reason otherwise I cannot understand why high
priority and hot issue like this stayed 6 years time in issue tracker and still
not available in 2.3. Yesterday I received email notification from Sun
introducing good news that a lot of features are there, check again, no SVG.

I suffer because now I can hardly get high resolution diagram printed. I can
only use low-resolution png and my diagram happen to be hard to convert to odg
(external importer failed). I really don't need all these fancy 3D chart stuff
and I am definitely not going to upgrade to 2.3. Suddenly I got a feeling like
several years ago crying for png transparency support in IE. I know Sun provided
OOO for free and we should be thankful, but I got a mixed feeling. I have waited
years and years and read every release note, I subscribe OOO release
notification only to wait for the day to come. Sorry for just keep complaining
without understanding even a little technical background, I am no developer just
a user.