Comment 7 for bug 465323

Revision history for this message
jimav (james-avera) wrote :

Hmm, since others can not repo this, I suspect I'm doing something slightly different than they are (or perhaps I'm completely mis-understanding how Find & Replace are supposed to work).

So here is an extremely explicit test procedure. I will attach screen shots showing the OO windows before and after.

Chris & WeatherGod, would you please try this exact scenario?

   1. Start oocalc from the command line with an existing .ods document
   2. Tools->Macros->OrganizeMacros-> Basic...
   3. In the "Macro from" pane, specify some module you can edit (under My Macros, for example)
   4. Click Edit

   5. Paste in the following code:
Sub Foo
  Dim i as Integer
  i = 123
End Sub

  6. Select (highlight with left-mouse-button) several lines including the lines containing MsgBoxx
  7. Control-F (opens Find & Replace dialog)
  8 Set "Search for" field to "(......)x" without quotes
     Set "Replace with" to "$1" without quotes
     [Click 'More Options' if necessary to open drop-down]
     Check 'Regular expressions'
     Check "Current selection only"
     (only those 2 check-boxes checked)
  9. Click Replace

What should happen is "MsgBoxx" is changed to "MsgBox". What actually happens on my system is they are changed to "$1x"

Please see attached screen shots and compare with what you see.