Comment 28 for bug 462487

Revision history for this message
Jan Peter Leentfaar (janpetel) wrote :

Confirmed situation in Maverick/OO 3.2.1; disabling the anti-aliasing does help a lot, but still affecting overall performance, e.g. switching from the desktop with OO active is slower than usual.
In the confirmed situation, after selecting over 100 rows and two columns, X was using 100% of the 200% available(dual proc); OO became extremely slow while other apps would have to work on the other half of the processor power left. Besides that, my graphics card (nvidia GT9400) increased temperature by over 6 degrees C as compared to a normal working situation.
Usually software would not be able to kill non-mechanical hardware, but this may come close if left undetected.
Because not everyone is able to recognize the connection between the OO select-and-copy and all related issues commented upon here, this problem would have to be addressed quickly, imho...
By the way, for completeness: the correct path to disable the antialiasing:
(Main OO menu) Tools>Options>>>>View>>Graphics output>Use Anti-Aliasing (Uncheck this option)
This will restore a workable state as soon as clicking the OK button is processed.