Comment 4 for bug 256524

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In , Ronny-standtke-d (ronny-standtke-d) wrote :

I was working on a form letter with a database backend. In this database I
defined some Boolean fields. In the letter I had some conditional text
depending on the Boolean fields in the database. Somehow it never worked right
and I was so frustrated with OOo that I almost gave up.

After many many hours of try and error I noticed that the gray ticks in the
database table are actually showing a "NULL" value. I was very surprised that
a Boolean can be "NULL". I was even more surprised that you are defaulting
to "NULL" when inserting values into a table. And my last surprise was that
you use a selected(!) checkbox for rendering a "NULL" value.

To avoid the same frustration for other people you should:
- not support "NULL" values for Boolean fields per default (should only be
supported as an option for database gurus)
- set Boolean fields per default to "FALSE" when inserting data into a
database table
- use the string "NULL" for rendering "NULL" values