Comment 14 for bug 229839

Revision history for this message
Kim d'Audretsch (kimda) wrote : Re: [jaunty] OpenOffice isn't integrated with gnome-keyring

A temporary fix until the openoffice devs fixed this bug.

Use cifs mounts to mount the share directly.

Add an line to /etc/fstab to mount the samba share directly and you will not experience the problems caused by using gvfs.

Here's how:
Add a line for each share you want to open to the /etc/fstab file

Either like this:
// /path_to/mount_point cifs username=server_user,password=server_password,_netdev,uid=client_username,gid=users 0 0

or use a .cred file to store your password/username like I did because you do not want readable in /etc/fstab

// /path_to/mount_point cifs credentials=/path_to/.creds,_netdev,uid=client_username,gid=users 0 0

example of .cred file

chmod 600 .cred to make it only readable to the fileowner.