Comment 0 for bug 209474

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) wrote : Speadsheet has problems in hardy

Binary package hint: openoffice.org2

I mistakenly submitted this as question 28478. I'm adding it here as well since I can include the file.

Sorry, but I'm not sure how to explain this problem. In short, the spreadsheet is not working correctly. I have a sheet with data on dice rolls for a project my daughter is working on. Column B and C, for example contain data on dice rolls. Column D is the sum of these two dice rolls using the sum function. She needed to count the frequencies of each sum (2, 3, 4...12). Using the frequency function this worked fine. After upgrading to hardy, however, the data is wrong.

In the attached file, columns P and Q contain the frequencies of the sums in columns D and G. When opened with Open Office in Hardy, the values in these columns are not the same as those generated using Open Office in Windows (sorry, I had to test somewhere). For comparison, the values in cells P3-P13 should be:

2, 16, 31, 24, 30, 50, 33, 29, 16, 13, 8

For cells Q3-Q13:

5, 11, 24, 17, 35, 36, 33, 39, 32, 13, 7

When I open this file in Hardy I get the following (note that these seem to change with each save and open)

P3-P13: 30, 16, 31, 24, 33, 50, 2, 29, 16, 13, 8
Q3-Q13: 33, 11, 24, 17, 36, 35, 5, 39, 32, 13, 7

I hope someone can confirm this as it's very odd and very frustrating.