Comment 32 for bug 193139

Revision history for this message
vodhner (vodhner) wrote :

Thanks for the tip about removing javasettings_Linux_x86.xml. Upon restart it rebuilt that file, and the persistent "Please install a JRE" dialog box. By the way, when I was getting the dialog box, it *did* go away for me after I pressed the OK button and the [X] button (a few of one, a few of the other, etc.) a dozen times or so.

The old javasettings file had <location>file:///usr/lib/../lib</location> and <version>1.4.2</version>.

The new one, rebuilt by OpenOffice, points to my Sun java 5 installation:
  <location>file:///usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-</location> and <version>1.5.0_15</version>

I think I've had the problem with the JRE from my first Ubuntu installation. I am now upgraded to Hardy and at first I was going to try installing Fortunately, Synaptic didn't show this as available. This caused me to search and I found this thread, so I did not incur the clutter of the un-needed package. Thanks for the clean solution!