Comment 20 for bug 151093

Revision history for this message
Chris Cheney (ccheney) wrote :

And it is very easy to revert packages you just need to do something like the following in a terminal:

Remove the line for the repository of the newer debs from /etc/apt/sources.lists

apt-get update - (this updates the Packages file which contains what packages you can install)
apt-get clean - (this clears out the cache of downloaded packages so it won't try to install the newer debs again)

Then remove the newer debs:

dpkg -l | grep (exact revision number) | cut -f 3 -d " " | xargs dpkg --purge --force-depends

Then install the old debs:

apt-get install

Of course if this is in a business environment then it may not be possible to do this due to company regulations, but it is very simple to update to a newer set of debs and then go back to the old ones in general. Perhaps in the past someone gave you bad advice on how to accomplish the above task.
