Comment 6 for bug 401158

Revision history for this message
Marius Groenewald (groenem) wrote :

Sorry I took so long for a reply. I did not have time these past few months to play around with movie editing.
I converted from Kubuntu 9.04 (KDE) to Ubuntu 9.04 (Gnome) in the meanwhile - duel boot. I installed Open Movie Editor again, but still it did not want to open. I followed your suggestion to try your PPA and it updated my version of Open Movie Editor, as well as a few other media files. Unfortunately, it still does not work. I select it from the Applications menu, but nothing happens. Below is he message I get when I try to run it from command line:

marius@LinuxMG:~$ openmovieeditor
When submitting a BUG report, or SUPPORT request, please include the following information:
(See Help->About... too)
Open Movie Editor Version: 0.0.20090105
Libquicktime Version: 1.1.0
Libquicktime API Version: 9
Illegal instruction

I hope this helps.

Thank you for your passion to get it right.