Comment 21 for bug 15270

Revision history for this message
Debian Bug Importer (debzilla) wrote :

Message-ID: <email address hidden>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:39:37 +1100
From: Matthew Hawkins <email address hidden>
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: sched_yield() loop

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Hi Torsten,

My ldap box suffered two power outages within 24 hours this week (one
caused by the power company, the other by a well-intentioned but unclued
cow-orker). On inspection slapd was stuck in a sched_yield() loop.
Doing the db4.2_recover fixed it (I actually came across that hint
elsewhere, I'll try to remember to go to b.d.o first next time ;)

If there is no note, perhaps add one to the README.Debian that if slapd
appears to be consuming all cpu power and this is unexpected, and strace
shows its stuck in sched_yield(), then the bdb database is probably
corrupt and requires recovery using db4.2_recover.

Then you can close this bug and any others like it ;)



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