Comment 20 for bug 12083

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In , Torsten Landschoff (torsten) wrote : Re: Bug#291408: OpenLDAP 2.2 packages

Hi Gerald,

On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 05:36:59PM +0200, Gerald Hochegger wrote:
> I've already upgraded our production servers because I was
> hoping to get rid of the database corruption problems.
> Here are my results so far:
> * ldapi:/// is not working after the upgrade
> Use
> --localstatedir=/var (instead of /var/run)
> in debian/configure.options

Checked in for 2.2.23-2. I really wonder why upstream has changed the
meaning of this option.

> slapd tries to create the socket in /var/run/run/ldapi - which fails.
> (We are using heimdal with openldap backend and need ldapi:///)

Interesting. Did not know it was really /needed/ for anything.

> Furthermore the socket should be 600 - but I don't know how to set this.

That should work by using
 slapd -h 'ldapi:///???x-mod=600'

> * DB_CONFIG gets lost on upgrades
> /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG gets lost on upgrades, which makes
> reimporting the Ldap database with slapadd very slow with big ldif files.
> If possible save the DB_CONFIG on upgrades.

Known issue, it's on the TODO list.

> * slapd with db4.3 has indeed problems.
> My database corruption problems were still present with pre4 - I upgraded
> to pre6 on 2005-04-02. Let's hope db4.2 fixes the database corruption.

Interesting. I really hope db4.2 fixes those problems.

> * If possible upgrade to openldap 2.2.24
> I've applied your patches to 2.2.24 - no problems so far.

Upgrade will be done after the packaging is stable.

