Comment 0 for bug 988727

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Mirza Shah (mas644) wrote :

In both Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10, the 64 bit version of openjdk-6-jdk doesn't appear to have a copy of in:


Without this file, C/C++ applications that use the Java Native Interface (JNI) can't instantiate a Java virtual machine. Now there is of course the Cacao and JamVM versions of in the amd64 folder, but this is not the official JVM (to my understanding anyway and it doesn't work with my app).

However, note that 32 bit version of the package indeed has at the path:


Is this a bug or is there just no 64 bit version of I searched the entire file system for an alternative and have Googled for a while searching for the answer, but no success. I would appreciate any help, the sooner the better.
