Comment 0 for bug 1318317

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Oliver Mueller (oliver-vpr) wrote :

I need some IPMI kernel modules, so I load them during startup. This worked quite well until I upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04.

As you can see I have the modules in /etc/modules:

# grep ipmi /etc/modules

Right after reboot, the modules are there:

# lsmod |grep -i ipm
ipmi_si 53257 2
ipmi_poweroff 14366 0
ipmi_devintf 17572 0
ipmi_watchdog 24912 0

but disappear after a few seconds/minute. I found out, that the cause is the /etc/init.d/openipmi script. The behaviour of the script is quite strange because a stop/start will behave differently then a restart.

I loaded the modules manually using modprobe:
ipmi_si 53257 2
ipmi_poweroff 14366 0
ipmi_devintf 17572 0
ipmi_watchdog 24912 0

when I execute:
# service openipmi stop

the module ipmi_devintf gets removed:

ipmi_si 53257 2
ipmi_poweroff 14366 0
ipmi_watchdog 24912 0

starting the service again with:

# service openipmi start

will remove ALL IPMI kernel modules:

# lsmod |grep -i ipm

One of the reasons seems to be the module ipmi_msghandler. This is already integrated and causes some of the problems.

When I remove it from /etc/init.d/openipmi like this:

< #MODULES_BASE="ipmi_msghandler"
> MODULES_BASE="ipmi_msghandler"
< # modprobe ipmi_msghandler > /dev/null 2>&1
< # modules_loaded ipmi_msghandler
> modprobe ipmi_msghandler > /dev/null 2>&1
> modules_loaded ipmi_msghandler

stoping and starting the service works again. But restarting the service will still remove all modules and will not load them anymore.