Comment 10 for bug 1245260

Revision history for this message
Dario Limongi (limee) wrote :

Hello people! I had to install ROS Hydro on Ubuntu 13.10 for a University project and here I am after black screen and lots of googling.

This is what I've done (thanks to you all):

1) sudo apt-get autoremove
(apt-get was telling me that libopencv-dev had some conflicts)

2) sudo apt-get remove libopencv*

3) sudo apt-get autoremove
(it automatically removed ROS and everything else)

3) sudo apt-get remove nvidia*
(don't ask me why but I tried doing it without removing ROS and OpenCV before it wasn't removing anything)

Finally I could boot again but only with Guest account!! I was stucked in a log-in loop caused by 'lightdm'. So in order to fix this:

1) CTRL + ALT + F1 to open "text mode" ubuntu after boot. Log-in as normal
2) sudo dpkg reconfigure lightdm
3) sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME
4) sudo reboot (or restarting lightdm or x server probably will work also)