Comment 6 for bug 2022088

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Frank Heimes (fheimes) wrote :

Thx @vorlon for taking the time and having a look at this and for sharing your concerns, but also your recommendations.
When I started to have a look at this, I also wondered why p11sak is pointing to .so (instead of .so.x, which would just have solved it) and that ldd showed that it's not directly used as shared library (like you also pointed out).
But I am usually a bit reluctant (maybe here too reluctant) to change the upstream code (for maintainability reasons) and noticed the idea about '${DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU}.conf' in make and followed this.
While I've cross-read the Debian Policy (ch. 8) for several reasons, I must have obviously missed your bullet #1, and I was not really aware about the potential conflict you mentioned in #2, so thanks for raising this.
As I understand now it's in this case (and according to the Debian Policy) the right way to directly touch p11sak.c and adjust default_pkcs11lib instead.
I'll rework this SRU accordingly and create an appropriate quilt patch.