Comment 1 for bug 1530312

Revision history for this message
Rhonda D'Vine (rhonda) wrote :

This is not in the scope of the packages website and should be taken up with the package itself.

Said that, the package openclipart2 probably gets removed from Debian due to unclear licensing on a fair amount of images in the package for a long period of time without being addressed, and thus probably will/should get removed from ubuntu as a whole, too (don't think ubuntu will want to maintain it).

About the sexualized content: I'm with you that it's far from needed or deemed useful. And there are probably more things like violence (e.g. blobwars) or other stuff also packaged that your children might stumble upon which might be considered off. But kids might stumble upon things we don't like in every area of their lifes. We should help them to form an opinion on why we consider those things bad and have a good and open conversation about it instead of trying to shut away everything from them and claim that it doesn't exist.

So long,