Comment 8 for bug 52298

Revision history for this message
Nick Fishman (bsdlogical) wrote :

Like Helge said, the latest package is still 1.4.1-4. If Sam is not the maintainer for the Ubuntu package (even though the Ubuntu repository lists him as such), we should find a new maintainer and get this problem solved.

I built all the OpenAFS packages from the Debian repository, as suggested by JDahl on Using that method, everything works on Ubuntu 6.10 2.6.17-10-generic. Here are details from his post - hopefully they'll help until the right people (whoever they may be) can get their act together:

1) Make a directory "openafs" and download the packages to it from:
$ mkdir openafs; cd openafs
$ wget
$ wget

2) Unpack and patch
$ tar xzvf openafs_1.4.2.orig.tar.gz
$ zcat openafs_1.4.2-2.diff.gz | patch -p0

3) Install necessary dependencies
$ sudo apt-get build-dep openafs-client
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot

4) Build the Debian packages (takes a long time)
$ cd openafs-1.4.2
$ chmod u+x debian/rules
$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
Compilation may fail if you don't have all dependencies installed. Just install the missing packages and rebuild.

5) Install the packages
$ sudo dpkg -i ../openafs-modules-source_1.4.2-2_all.deb openafs-client_1.4.2-2_i386.deb

6) Build the kernel module
$ sudo apt-get install module-assistant
$ sudo module-assistant prepare openafs-modules
$ sudo module-assistant auto-build openafs-modules

7) Install the packages (and say [Y]es to overwriting /etc config scripts; there's a bug in the old ones)
$ sudo dpkg -i /usr/src/openafs-modules-2.6.17-10-386_1.4.2-2+2.6.17-10.33_i386.deb

Step 6 is slightly modified from his original post, as I believe he mistakenly included it. An excerpt from my package list:

root@krypton:~# dpkg -l | grep afs
ii openafs-client 1.4.2-4 AFS distributed filesystem client support
ii openafs-modules-2.6.17-10-generic 1.4.2-4+ AFS distributed filesystem kernel module
ii openafs-modules-source 1.4.2-4 AFS distributed filesystem kernel module sou

I hope this issue can be resolved soon.