Comment 31 for bug 1423151

Revision history for this message
seth goldstein (seth-o) wrote :

In order to get things to work I basically followed the directions at However, it did not
initially work. I am not sure exactly which of the below got things
to work, but eventually it did. So here are the steps I went through:

Editted /etc/apt/sources.list to add:

deb trusty-proposed restricted main multiverse universe

Created file /etc/apt/preferences.d/proposed-updates with this content:

Package: *
Pin: release a=trusty-proposed
Pin-Priority: 400

In an xterm ran:

sudo aptitude -t trusty-proposed

And, there was nothing there. Then, I launched "Software & Updates"
and it showed that the pre-released updates box was checked and

Then, I restarted apititude, did an update and voila there were 90
packages. I browsed through them and found

openafs-modules-dkms under the 'net' catagory of 'upgradable
packages'. I picked this with a '+' and then installed with a 'g'.
Everything worked fine.