Comment 6 for bug 913523

Revision history for this message
David Ballesteros Mayo (dividio) wrote :

I have the same error trying to run my Ogre game project and with the Ogre tutorials in Debian Sid with Ogre 1.7.3-3. The game runs fine with 1.7.3-2.

I have changed the PluginFolder in plugins.cfg to "PluginFolder=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/OGRE".

I have debugged the execution and the problem seems to be with the constant "Ogre::StringUtil::BLANK" defined as "static const String BLANK;" in OgreString.h. The segfault raises in OgreRoot.cpp line 635 (Ogre::Root::initialise):

"if(customCapabilitiesConfig != StringUtil::BLANK)"

I have changed the call to Root::initialise from



m_root->initialise(false, "test", "");

but the game crashes in the next place where there is a string comparation with "StringUtil::BLANK".

Maybe it's something related to the change of the compilation options in Ogre 1.7.3-3.