Comment 16 for bug 1449990

Revision history for this message
lgd (lgd) wrote :

Thanks for your hint - my National Roaming changed often and at eplus my network was still dead - it was really frustrating to go 30s into air mode on/off procedure for 4 times in 15 min of walking here, every day. Now I checked the roaming option - it seems the last update had changed it to off. Now all works for me again! I didn't thought that it would be so simple in this case.

Offtopic: I wanted to email you but there is no public email only your gpg without email inside: I'm one of the main authors of the German touch wiki so I know and like UT but in your list of systems you should know that Sailfish OS is a great LINUX (ssh...) handy system too and on some official devices there is an emulator for Android apps too. More on this not on this report here, please. I have an email address on my profile if needed.

Greetings, Benno-007