Comment 2 for bug 1276699

Revision history for this message
Tony Espy (awe) wrote :


First, the expected results for this script should be an AccessDenied shown in a backtrace, as we currently only support automatic network registration, and thus scanning is forbidden.

From the error message in your description, it appears ofono can't allocate memory for an instance of an ofono_network_operator struct. As there hasn't been a release of ofono in the past week, I'm suspecting this was caused by some other process. Also, there were quite a few failures reported by QA for build #160, thus it was never promoted.

I have not been able to reproduce the problem with build #161 ( which is the latest to be promoted ), nor has Oliver Grawert.

1. Did you install any custom packages?

2. What were you doing before the problem occurred ( ie. playing videos, some kind of testing, ... )?

3. Can you reliably reproduce the problem on image #161 ( which was promoted ) or greater?

4. If you can't reproduce it on #161 and want dig deeper into the problem on #160, further questions

5. Can you reliably reproduce the problem on #160??

6. Does it go away when you reboot?

Also, if you get it into this condition again, it'd be very helpful to try and grab some memory utilization #s. The "free" command and/or the contents of /proc/meminfo would both be helpful. If you want to get more detailed in order to determine the memory hog, you could also install "smem" and run the command "smem -s uss".

1. Can you easily reproduce this on image #160? What happens if you reboot? Can you still make it happen?

If the answer is yes, can you