Comment 7 for bug 41698

Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) wrote :

oem-config (1.14) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Add an apport hook to attach /var/log/oem-config.log.
  * Strip binaries.
  * Print usage message and exit if any non-option arguments are supplied to
    oem-config; suggest oem-config-prepare (LP: #105940).
  * Update Japanese keyboard layout handling to match console-setup
    1.7ubuntu18, which uses jp(latin),jp by default (LP: #63915).
  * Teach oem-config-prepare to escalate privileges itself using gksudo,
    kdesu, etc. as appropriate, rather than requiring it to be invoked using
  * Add a desktop icon to the oem user's desktop to run oem-config-prepare
    (LP: #41698).
  * Display an error dialog and exit if running as non-root (LP: #99211).
  * Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup 1.15ubuntu1,
    localechooser 1.38ubuntu1, tzsetup 1:0.17, user-setup 1.14ubuntu1.

 -- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Thu, 17 May 2007 11:43:03 +0100