Comment 0 for bug 1942307

Revision history for this message
jeremyszu (os369510) wrote :

[Steps to reproduce]
1. Install 20.04.3 with "Third-party packages" on a system which containing a RTD3 supported nvidia card.
2. After the installation, press enter to reboot system
3. prime-select query

[Expected result]

[Actual result]


It's because ubiquity launches `ubuntu-drivers install --packages-list ...` in live system but install each package to target storage.

When installing nvidia-prime, the preinst set "on" to "/etc/prime-discrete" which will be referred by gpu-manager. The gpu-manager will set to performance mode.

After confirming with Alberto on Mattermost, since we don't have a nvidia driver which lower than 450 version since focal.

I think we are ok to switch to on-demand mode.