Comment 79 for bug 982485

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Don Myers (donmyers) wrote :


Thank you so much for your post #76. That did work perfectly. I had tried the driver from x-swat earlier today, but ended up with 298-40 since I didn't realize that a full description of the driver was needed. I just had nvidia-current with nothing else in the apt-get install line


Thank you for your post. I guess I should not be happy that the instructions from Walt did work. I had the beta on 8 machines. I was tremendously impressed. Then after investing about 16 hours in making some open source drives work on some machines with Nvidia, and getting really frustrated with some others, it sort of took the luster off. But 12.04 is still a tremendous release. When you say about it being irresponsible for Ubuntu to ship a driver with a security problem, you are absolutely right. It is a shame that something by a third party could mess up such a wonderful launch of a product. I've been using Ubuntu for 3+ years, and this is the first major glitz that I have personally seen happen. Ubuntu was certainly between a rock and a hard place. I was just hoping Nvidia would have had things fixed by last Thursday.