Comment 45 for bug 600178

Revision history for this message
michal.gregor (michal.gregor) wrote :

For some reason the attached workaround seems to work for some people (see including me. I do not fancy having the whole screen redrawn on every repaint, but it seems rather interesting that it works.

Also – the solution proposed in comment 41 ( seems to indicate that vsync for OpenGL works even though the one for x-server does not. Unfortunately in dual-screen setup it only affects the main screen (DFP-0), while the secondary screen continues to show tearing.

--- The mentioned workaround ---

Open CompizConfig-settings manager (if you don't find it, just install it from Ubuntu Software Center).

    Enable Workarounds -> Force full screen redrews (buffer swap) on repaint
    Disable Workarounds -> Don't wait for video sync

Open NVIDIA X Server Settings

    Enable X Server XVideo Settings -> Sync to VBlanck
    Enable OpenGL Settings -> Sync to VBlank
    Disable DFP...(name of your screen) -> Force Full Gpu Scaling

Open Startup Applications and add a new program:

    Name: antitearing
    Command: bash -c "sleep 2; compiz --replace"
