Comment 16 for bug 600178

Revision history for this message
Taylor "Ripps" LeMasurier-Wren (ripps818) wrote :

In Natty, I get close to no tearing with VDPAU on my Nvidia GT240 by setting ccsm to enable "unredirect fullscreen", enable "vsync", and forcing compiz's refresh rate to 120. But, it's still hit or miss sometimes. Vdpau will still sometimes either be slow, or have searious tearing. I found that by restarting compiz a few times and enabling/disabling "copy to texture" plugin can temporarily fix the video tearing. It's not consistent, and I have no idea why it even works when it does. When it does work, it eliminates 90% of the tearing issues, but they still sometimes occur on very rapid screen movement/changes.