Comment 4 for bug 423940

Revision history for this message (paxton-jeffrey) wrote :

OK. Fixed. Sort of. I borrowed a monitor for testing purposes. The monitor had DVI and VGA inputs. I replaced my second monitor with this one using the DVI connection. Basically you should not get video tearing on either screen if you use DVI on both monitors. I have been trying to figure this one out for 2 months and read every forum and thread even remotely connected to vsync on dual head setups. I'm pissed that the answer was so damn simple.

So, at the time of this post, the only way to get a decent dual head setup on Linux is this:
1) single nVidia video card with 2 DVI out ports
2) 2 LCD monitors with DVI inputs (preferably identical monitors; same native resolution and refresh rate)
3) nVidia's drivers (so u can use nvidia-settings)
4) compiz-fusion (optional I guess but metacity tears on all screens for me)