Comment 25 for bug 1638990

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Travisgevans (travisgevans) wrote :

I got hit by this too a while back. I don't expect a simple system upgrade to break my system. I ended up having to continue using an out-of-date kernel for some time as a result.

It's still not fixed with nvidia-367 and 4.4.0-59-generic. But manually editing /etc/default/grub and removing "splash" from the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT options, followed by executing update-grub2, does allow my system to boot with 4.4.0-59 (I didn't have to use "nomodeset"). I consider myself lucky.

If this really affects *everyone* who simply uses the official Nvidia drivers, then I'm tempted to feel that these updates are not being tested adequately before release. I really hope that this testing will improve once this gets fixed, because things like this encourage users to leave their systems out of date and possibly risk security issues just to ensure that they at least *work*. It certainly doesn't encourage *me* to update my system very often (and I'm bad enough about that as it is).