Comment 6 for bug 1615734

Revision history for this message
thijs van severen (thijsvanseveren) wrote :

same here :

my setup :

- Nvidia Driver (nvidia-smi) : 367.57
- Lenovo P50 vid cards (lspci | grep VGA)
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Skylake Integrated Graphics (rev 06)
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107GLM [Quadro M1000M] (rev a2)
- bios version (sudo dmidecode --type 0 --type 13) : N1EET52W (1.26 )
- kernel version (uname -a) : Linux ThinkPad-P50 4.6.7-040607-generic #201608160432 SMP Tue Aug 16 08:35:05 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
- display manager (lightdm -v) : lightdm 1.18.3
- unity version (unity --version) : unity 7.4.0

When i'm running unity it does not work

i installed XFCE4 since a lot of people seem to report that this is the fix and ... tadaaa ... it works

not sure what display manager XFCE uses, but it sure looks like lightdm or unity is what is causing these issues
i'm ok with xfce, but i have grown to like unity so i really, really hope this gets fixed asap :-(