Comment 3 for bug 1767116

Revision history for this message
Peter Valdemar Mørch (pmorch) wrote :

This occurs in 18.04 because versions 340 and 390 are attempted to be installed at the same time and they apparently both want to modify /lib/udev/rules.d/71-nvidia.rules

apt-get install -f was not able to fix the situation.

Workaround: remove all packages mentioning nvidia 340 and 390 (beware you may want to check what this does):

# show the packages we're about to remove
dpkg-query -W | egrep 'nvidia.*3[49]0' | perl -naE 'say $F[0]'
# remove them
dpkg-query -W | egrep 'nvidia.*3[49]0' | perl -naE 'say $F[0]' | sudo xargs dpkg -P

Now install *ONLY* the version 340 one. And then both apt and subsequently the nvidia driver worked for me.