Comment 0 for bug 1431753

Revision history for this message
Stefan Bader (smb) wrote :

Filing this against the 340-updates version but possibly the same applies to older versions, too. The nvidia source package produces three individual dkms packages: nvidia-340-updates, nvidia-340-updates-uvm, and bbswitch-dkms. The problem is that the DKMS build of the nvidia-uvm module runs compile steps inside the nvidia modules build directory. This is violating the DKMS assumption that each module can be build independently (there is no way of describing cross-modules dependencies and even more important, the autoinstall step after a new kernel is installed will run the modules build in parallel).

Since nvidia and nvidia-uvm are very dependent on each other the right course of action seems to be to combine both sources in one DKMS module that produces two kernel modules (this is supported by DKMS). For the transition this resulting dkms package needs to have a breaks/replaces for the nvidia-uvm package.