Comment 3 for bug 1401515

Revision history for this message
Joe Linux (j-linux) wrote :

Hello Everybody,

I confirmed I got the same problem just now.

I'm running a full install since April 2014:
- Release: Ubuntu 14.04.1 (trusty) - update from 14.04
- Gnome: 3.8.4 (Ubuntu 2014-03-17)
- Kernel: 3.13.0-32-generic (#57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:08 UTC 2014)
- GCC: 4.8 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
- Xorg: 1.15.1 (09 December 2014 11:14:53PM)
- Operating System: Linux-x86_64
- NVIDIA Driver Version: 331.113 (previous was I think 311.48)

One or two day ago, it was an update of the proprietary nvidia driver to 311.113 and everything went well.
This evening a new update and I got the error message in the message title.
I have not rebooted yet, so I don't know if after that my system will be still running or not !

Thanks (not for the PB but the solution).