Comment 293 for bug 1268257

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KennoVO (kenno-xs4all) wrote :

This is my current Hanlon-compliant(*) theory as to why the fix is not backported:
- Anyone looking up this bug will land at the top of the page, where the status is displayed. A small percentage will make random changes to the status by lack of attention or understanding.
- This bug report is visited by huge numbers of people, so even though the percentage of "inattentives" is small, we're seeing lots of random status changes in its activity log.
- The problem is that some status changes are irrevocable. Specifically, shortly after the fix was released for the 340 and 346 drivers, people mistakenly changed the status for the 331 drivers and the bug as a whole to "fix released". This made it fall off the devs' radar, and there doesn't seem to be a way to roll back the status. In my opinion, this is stupid and should be filed as a bug against Launchpad itself.

My current plan to work around this problem is to mark this bug ( lp:1268257 ) a duplicate of lp:1431753 , which
- has the status set correctly, including a target for "Trusty",
- has a more knowledgeable description of the root cause of the problem and how to fix it,
- is frequented by people who can actually fix it,
- suffers from a low "bug heat", which will change dramatically if my plan succeeds,
- does not suffer from random status changes.
However, a new problem surfaced: trying to set the dupe in Launchpad invariably gives a timeout error (Error ID: OOPS-f524378385a3a281890972cc17c96962 OOPS-bb927226a672db21659a9f400adc4757 etc...) I speculate this is due to the huge size of this bug in terms of followers, duplicates, people affected and comments. Whatever be the cause, it's yet another bug to be filed against Launchpad itself.

Needless to say, I'm getting deeply disillusioned with Ubuntu, Canonical and its bug fixing process...

(*) My alternative theories that are not compliant with Hanlon's razor are probably not appropriate for this venue. :-P