Comment 244 for bug 1268257

Revision history for this message
Robert Dinse (nanook) wrote : Re: [Bug 1268257] Re: nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"

On Sat, 28 Mar 2015, Jeb E. wrote:
> I don't care so much about Nouveau as I do the Nvidia official drivers. I
> never had many problems if at all stability-wise with Nouveau, but I like
> the official Nvidia drivers better regardless because they are built
> specifically for and by Nvidia for Nvidia products, allowing a more
> reliable, consistent graphics experience and snappier speeds.

      The Nouveau drivers don't support accelerated graphics. That makes the
Nvidia drivers really more than just a luxury.