Comment 8 for bug 1748000

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Dactivated Launchpad User 23423423ggfdgtr (8437383883-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

I also think removing the nvidia-304 driver is a bad decision. I didn't know that they removed this driver from the repositories before I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 beta 2. I have a NVIDIA 7300 GT graphics card that is rendered almost useless because of the removal of this driver, on Ubuntu and its flavors (I use Xubuntu with this card). I have tried building and installing the driver from NVIDIAs website, which failed. I have finally tried installing this driver from the ppa "ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa", which failed because of conflicting packages. Uninstalling these conflicting packages uninstall very important packages, like the Xubuntu desktop. This is also the only driver that works properly with my card. Although it is unmaintained, it was still a very bad decision to remove this driver, as old cards still use it. :(