Comment 0 for bug 587069

Revision history for this message
Simon Hill (hillsimon) wrote :

This problem started happening after upgrading from when I upgraded from Hardy to Lucid 10.04 LTS.
I have the black screen when switching between users.
The problem doesn't happen immediately, but only after a few switches, or after a certain amount of time, in fact it's pretty unpredictable.
If you require further information, please don't hesitate to ask (you may need to give instructions as to how to obtain this info as I'm a relative newbie)

I was asked to create this new bug report in Bug #290704. The symptoms of this bug look the same, but for a different graphics card.

(n.b. I was unable to report bug using $ ubuntu-bug -p nvidia-graphics-drivers-173, as it failed with "Package nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 does not exist")


Description: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Release: 10.04