Comment 0 for bug 306605

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thegizmoguy (thegizmoguy) wrote :

Ok I'm a Linux noob so I know I'm probably doing this all wrong but....

I decided to go for the 64-bit Jaunty install because I'm on a fairly fickle laptop and if the devs can get an OS to work on here, it will work for everyone else :D It's updated as of today (12/9)

Anyways, now I'm noticing random artifacting (black bars, inverted colors) for certain parts of the screen. This is especially prevalent in firefox 3.0.4 when I switch between the terminal and ff. At first I thought that it was a bug with firefox but then I started seeing black bars in the text editor while reading the license. When I scroll past and go back the artifact, it disappears. Sometimes the artifacting in ff will happen on the status toolbar on the bottom. I'll do any trouble shooting/logging requested. The ff profile is 99% fresh...the only thing i've added is 64 bit flash. But I haven't done anything to the text editor.