Comment 2 for bug 805661

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Hal Engel (hvengel-h) wrote :

I tried to hand build ntp with pps and reference clock support. from the configure I see that it is looking for the following header files:


Checking my Gentoo installation I see that only the last header is installed. I copied the timepps.h header to /usr/include/ and at that point the ntp build configuration will configure the build for the oncore ref clock. I now get teh following erros in the log:

can't open /var/log/ntpstats/clockstats: Permission denied
refclock_open /dev/serial.0: Permission denied interface -> none

So it is failing to create a clockstats file because of permissions. What do I need to do to get this working?

Also my udev rules for the PPS/GPS stuff looks like this:

KERNEL=="ttyS1", RUN+="/bin/setserial -v /dev/%k low_latency", SYMLINK+="oncore.serial.0"

KERNEL=="pps0", OWNER="root", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0660", SYMLINK+="oncore.pps.0", OPTIONS+="last_rule"

What do I need to do in my udev rules to allow ntp to open the serial device?

Another issues that may be related to this. NTP will NOT build with NANOsecond support and this should be working on all kernels starting with 2.6.26. Not sure what is causing this but there is likely some type of issue with the kernel or glibc header files.