Comment 36 for bug 20960

Revision history for this message
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) (canonical-scott) wrote :

(In reply to comment #35)
> If I remove the "auto ..." line from /etc/network/interfaces, the problem
> appears again.
> I can see the "Configuring network interfaces" and "Waiting for network
> interface to come up" messages, all OK, but the "Synchronizing clock..." failed
> (sometimes).

Could you add the following lines to the top (below any comments) of
/etc/init.d/hotplug-net, /etc/hotplug/net.agent and /etc/hotplug/net.ifup

exec 2>>/tmp/network.log
date 1>&2
echo "$0" "$@" 1>&2
set -x

Then do a reboot, if it fails attach /tmp/network.log
